Eight Crafts Scene Structure Analysis

2.50 $

Is your scene not working and you don’t know why? Or do you want to proof your scene structure? Analyze your scene’s structure according to the Eight Crafts scene structure. The use is limited to 3,000 words. A typical scene is 1,000 to 2,500 words long. If your scene is longer there is a chance that it contains actually two or more scenes. Look for more information below. Discounts: 10 for 20$, 20 for 30$, and 50 for $50.

ECHOES stores your writing only temporarily to complete an editorial analysis. After a Precision Edit has analyzed your text and sent a response to you via email, the Precision Edit will delete your text. ECHOES can not be held liable for the loss of your writing. Always keep a record of the writings you upload to ECHOES!

The Eight Crafts Scene Analysis is limited to 3,000 words. In average, a scene is 1,500 to 2,500 words long. If your scene is longer than 2,500 words, you may be looking at multiple scenes, which the Eight Crafts Scene Analysis may identify. Mind a scene is not a chapter. A chapter comprises multiple scenes. Don’t submit chapters, which may impede the scene analysis.

ECHOES will analyze your scene according to the Eight Craft scene structure. An Eight Crafts scene has the following elements:

  1. Scene orientation
  2. Stimulus and stakes
  3. The POV character’s scene goal
  4. Progressive involvement and adversity
  5. External stake flip (external turning point)
  6. Reflection (includes the internal turning point)
  7. Climactic action
  8. Outcome
  9. POV wrap-up.

Read more about scene structure in best-selling book The Eight Crafts of Writing.

If ECHOES identifies multiple scenes, it will tell you so and give you a scene analysis for each. If your scene misses a scene element, ECHOES will tell you so and suggest one.

The Eight Crafts Scene Analysis won’t assess your scene’s prose. When generative AI advances to the point it can evaluate prose and story experience, we will develop a separate ECHOES editorial product for prose.


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